Event 3A /3B: “S-Yeet 16!”

Event 3 is sponsored by The Baddest Batch, Brandymay’s Homemade Cookies.

Event 3 consists of two, separately scored, 6 minute AMRAPs separated by 1 minute and 30 seconds of rest.   Part 3A will be as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of: 16’ Walking Lunges, 16 Box Jumps or Step Ups, 16’ Walking Lunges, Cal Bike.  

Part 3B will be as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of: 16’ Handstand Walk or Dumbbell Bear Crawl, 16 Box Jumps or Step Ups, 16’ Hand stand Walk or Dumbbell Bear Crawl, Cal Bike. Movement requirements for each division are found below. 

11-13 RX: Box Jump: 20/16    Cal Bike:   10/8

11-13 Scaled: Box Step Up: 20/16,  Cal Bike:  10/8, DB Bear Crawl #s: 20s/15s   

14-15 RX: Box Jump: 24/20, Cal Bike:  13/10

14-15 Scaled: Box Step Up: 24/20, Cal Bike:  13/10, DB Bear Crawl #s:  25s/20s

16-17 RX: Box Jump: 30/24, Cal Bike: 16/13

16-17 Scaled: Box Step Up: 30/24, Cal Bike: 16/13, DB Bear Crawl #s: 35s/25s

Athletes may complete either portion of the workout as RX or Scaled.  Example: athlete may RX event 3A and Scale event 3B.  

Movement Standards:

Handstand Walk

The handstand walk area will be marked in 4 segments at 4-ft each.  Kick up with both hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) BEHIND the mark of the segment being attempted. Stepping over the line or landing with the hands on or over the line is a “no rep.”  Athletes must walk forward. Coming down from the handstand early requires a restart from behind the last line successfully crossed. A rep is credited when both hands, including palms and fingers, cross the line before the feet touch the ground.  Each 4-foot section will count as 1 rep. Must handstand walk across the line.  Jumping both hands over the line to finish a section is not allowed. 

Dumbbell Bear Crawl

The bear crawl area will be marked in 4 segments at 4-ft each. Scaled athletes may bear crawl instead of handstand walk.  Both hands with dumbbells must be placed on the ground BEHIND the mark of the segment being attempted. Reaching onto or over the line constitutes a “no rep.”  Hips must remain above head height.  Standing up, dropping to the floor, or dropping the hips below the head at any time requires a restart from behind the last line successfully crossed. A rep is credited when both feet and both hands with dumbbells cross the line.  Each 4-foot section will count as 1rep. 

Box Jump 

The athlete will begin with both feet on the floor and jump with a two footed takeoff and land on top of the box.  The athlete must fully extend the hips and knees, while standing on both feet, on top of the box.  Athletes may jump or step down off the top of the box before beginning their next repetition.  However, a step down is recommended for safety.  

Box Step Up

The athlete will begin with both feet on the floor and step up on top of the box.  The athlete must fully extend the hips and knees, while standing on both feet, on top of the box.  Athletes may jump or step down off the top of the box before beginning their next repetition.  However, a step down is recommended for safety.  Athletes must alternate feet on box step ups.  


Athletes will be responsible for adjusting the seat height on their own bike.  Prior to beginning each set of calories, the athlete’s judge will reset the monitor on the bike to zero.  Athletes must remain seated on the bike until the required calorie count is displayed on the monitor.   


The lunge area will be marked in 4 segments at 4-ft each. Each lunge begins with the feet together and the athlete standing tall with hips and knees extended. The athlete must be behind the mark denoting the start of the segment being attempted. At the bottom of the lunge, the trailing knee must make contact with the ground.  Lunging in place is not allowed.  The rep is credited when the athlete gets both heels across the line and is standing tall with hips and knees fully extended. Stopping with both feet together on the ground is not required, but both legs must be fully extended if the athlete chooses to step through at the top. The athlete must alternate which foot leads for each step. Shuffle steps between steps are not allowed.  Each 4-foot section will count as 1 rep.  If the athlete fails to meet any standard during a step, the athlete must restart from behind the last 4-foot section successfully completed.