P-Town 2021 Event 1: “Yeet or Be Yeeten”


“Yeet or Be Yeeten”

This event will consist of 5 rounds for time of; 30 Double Unders, 8 single arm dumbbell push press (right arm), 8 single arm dumbbell push press (left arm), and 8 burpees over the dumbbell.  This event will have an 8 minute time cap.  Each repetition incomplete at the 8 minute mark will result in a 1 second addition to the athlete’s total finish time.  

Division Standards:

16-17 RX- 50/35# DB, Double Unders

16-17 Scaled- 35/25# DB, Single Unders

14-15 RX- 35/25# DB, Double Unders

14-15 Scaled- 25/20# DB, Single Unders

11-13 RX- 25/20# DB, Double Unders

11-13 Scaled- 20/15# DB, Single Unders

Double Under: 

The rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not attempts. If the rope passes only under one foot, the rep will not be credited.  If the rope passes under the toes of both feet, but the athlete lands with their feet on the rope, the repetition will count as a good rep.  

Single Under: 

The rope passes under the feet once for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not attempts. If the rope passes only under one foot, the rep will not be credited.  If the rope passes under the toes of both feet, but the athlete lands with their feet on the rope, the repetition will count as a good rep.  

Single Arm Push Press:

The repetition begins with one head of the dumbbell in contact with and resting on top of, slightly behind, or to the side of the athlete’s shoulder.  The repetition is complete when the athlete is standing with the dumbbell in a controlled manner, extended over the shoulder, with elbow, hips and knees fully locked out.   The athlete may assist the dumbbell back down to their shoulder using their other hand, but may only use one arm to complete the lockout overhead.  The athlete may not perform a strict press or a push jerk (“re-dip”) to lock the dumbbell out overhead. 

Burpee Over Dumbbell:

Must be performed parallel to the dumbbell. May jump or step back to reach the bottom position. Chest and thighs must touch the ground.  Stepping and/or jumping back to the starting position are both permitted.  Athletes choosing to RX the workout must jump over the dumbbell.  A single or two footed take off is permitted.  Athletes choosing to scale the workout may step or jump over the dumbbell. Full extension of the hips is not required while jumping or stepping over the dumbbell. 
