Focus on a Better You

8 Weeks to
Focus on a Better You. 

Jan 12 – March 7


At Wayfinder Fitness & Nutrition we want to help you become the best version of you possible. From nutrition choices, to activity levels, to spirit and soul happiness, to confidence and gratitude. If everyone in our community lived with intention and wholeness, we would have a huge positive impact on this valley and all those we influence. That is our goal!

For 8 weeks we want to help provide you with simple steps to become a better you. These steps will hopefully help you build healthy long term habits for you and your family.

Things we will focus on:
1) Nutrition

2) Sleep

3) Mindset

4) Positive relationships

5) Changing habits

6) Self care

Coaches Emily, Heather, and Amber will work week by week to help you stay motivated and challenge you to focus on what is important in your life. The choices and changes you decide to focus on are up to you, we are simply here to get you thinking, get you motivated, and help you become a better version on you.

There is no buy in. There is no “challenge”. There are no winners or losers.
There is FOCUS.
There is COMMUNITY. 
There is LOVE. 
which means….
There is SUCCESS.

The layout:
Each week we will have a ”FOCUS FOR THE WEEK”.
That gives you one week for you to focus on that ONE THING. Week by week we will add a focus to the table. Slowly building positive life changes that will help your long term healthiness without getting overwhelmed.

What we suggest you do:

1.) Set goals: Whatever it is, put pen on paper and make a big deal about it. Goals matter. If you are passionate about your goals… make it a priority and put in the work. It could be to eat better, loose weight, gain muscle, bulk up, sleep better, stress less, no more yelling, to smile more, be more confident,….whatever YOUR goal is…. write it down and OWN IT! 

2.) Take a Before and After: Everyones goals are different so everyones focuses and changes are different. No matter what your goal is, we as coaches feel one of the most helpful things are before and after pictures!

Don’t worry about the scale, don’t worry about measurements, lets track your physical changes over time through the story of pictures. If there’s one thing I’m glad I did through my CrossFit journey it is take pictures, not just of me working out, or videos of me working a skill, but those awkward pictures of me just standing there. It still amazes me to look back and see the changes that my body has made over the years. And yes, I mean YEARS. Because it takes time!

So many people what to “lose fat and build muscle”… well, it takes time, hard work, and dedication.

W believe that this all starts in the kitchen, with healthy eating habits. You will need to choose to put in the work in this department.
Then it takes time training. It may be months or years from now… but eventually those changes begin to re-shape your body and you see the progress in your photos. CONSISTENCY IS KEY!

So take the dang pictures! 

A few tips for pictures:

  • Wear the same clothes each time (Ladies: a swimsuit, or sports bra/shorts, or something fitting that you can see your shape.  Guys: shorts/no shirt)

  • Stand in the same spot

  • Take pictures from the front, side and back

  • If possible take them at the same time of the day each time. (First thing in the morning before food and coffee is the best if possible)

  • Full body shots are best.

  • You don’t have to share these with anyone.

3.) Focus on your Nutrition: This go round we aren’t telling you what to do or giving any suggestions because everyone’s needs are so very different. There are so many options out there, from Paleo, Whole 30, Keto, Macro Counting, to Mediterranean Diet…… there are plenty of choices out there if you feel you need something to follow.

Though whatever route you choose, I hope you choose something that works for YOU. Do your research and know what you’re getting into and please understand you don’t have to follow a fad diet to be successful at eating healthy.

The goal is LONG TERM…so think about what can you sustain long term?

There are some simple ways to make healthy changes to your diet so throughout this 8 week focus, we will challenge you with some of those simple changes in the kitchen, titled “Make the Switch”. Be on the look out for these healthy alternative options that are easy to do and won’t break the bank.

Last and most important note in regards to nutrition…


Listen, give yourself a little grace during this journey. Realize one off day or one treat isn’t going to undo all the progress you made. Like I said, we are focused on long term sustainability. It’s not 8 weeks of hell and punishment to try to get to your ideal body weight fast. We want to focus on positive changes that we can hang on to and see benefits in our bodies first hand over time. In order to be successful at this, you have to give yourself some grace. It’s going to be ok and remember it is a journey. We want to help you get this party started and help you become a better YOU!

Wayfinder Fitness & Nutrition members, if you are not part of the FB group called “RCF Members” request to join to participate in the 8 week Focus and hear all we have to say. We will be sharing helpful tips, tricks, podcast, challenges and possible some heart to hearts from your fellow Refuge community members. This is going to be an awesome time of focusing on ourselves and working towards those 2020 goals! Who’s in?
