“Yeet is Lit”

“Yeet is Lit”

In a 7 minute window, athletes will accumulate as many repetitions as possible following this format: 12 Cleans, 15 Toes to Bar, 9 Cleans, 15 Toes to Bar, 6 Cleans, 15 Toes to Bar, and then as many cleans as possible in the time remaining.  A tie break time will be recorded after each completed set of toes to bar.  Weights for the different divisions are as follows:

16/17 RX: 12 @ 135/95, 9 @ 155/105, 6 @ 185/135, Max @ 205/155

16/17 Scaled: 12 @ 95/65, 9 @ 115/75, 6 @ 135/95, Max @ 155/105

14/15 RX: 12 @ 75/55, 9 @ 95/65, 6 @ 115/75, Max @ 135/95

14/15 Scaled: 12 @ 65/45, 9 @ 75/55, 6 @ 95/65, Max @ 115/75

11-13 RX: 12 @ 65/45, 9 @ 75/55, 6 @ 95/65, Max @ 115/75

11-13 Scaled: 12 @ 55/35, 9 @ 65/45, 6 @ 75/55, Max @ 85/65

Movement Standards:


Start each rep with the barbell on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing or dropping and catching the barbell on the rebound.  Barbells may be dropped once they have at least a 25# bumper plate on each side.  Power cleans, squat cleans, and split cleans are permitted. Hang cleans are not allowed. If using an empty barbell, or a barbell with smaller- than-standard plates, each rep must begin with the barbell clearly below the knees.

The barbell must make contact with the shoulders.  The repetition is credited when the barbell is resting on the athlete’s shoulders with hips and knees locked out.  Male athletes will use a standard 45# barbell.  Female athletes will use a standard 35# barbell.  

Toes to Bar: 

Athletes begin by hanging  from the pull-up bar with arms extended. The heels must be brought back behind the bar.  Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are all permitted. The rep is credited when both feet contact the bar between the hands at the same time. Any part of the feet may make contact with the bar.

Hanging Knee Raises:

Scaled athletes may perform hanging knee-raises. The athlete must begin by hanging from the pull-up bar with arms extended. Heels must be brought back behind the bar.  Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are all permitted.  The rep is credited when the athlete’s knees rise above the hips.