2021 P-Town Throwdown Athlete Handbook

Game Day Details:

Parking: Anyone who is able, please park in the lot at Hemmer and Palmer Wasilla  Hwy (the old Alaska Club building).  Park on the side of the lot closest to the Palmer Wasilla Highway.  At Last Frontier Axe Co; park anywhere around the building, except in front of Knik Pizza.  

Food/Drink: Please bring drinks, snacks, and or meals to stay fueled for a full day of fitness and fun.  Water and regular sports drinks in closed water bottles may be used inside the gym area.  No open top drinks allowed inside the gym area.  No food is allowed in the gym area.  Food may be consumed in the lobby area.  Clean up after yourselves. 

Warm Up Area: We will have a designated warm up area for Event 1 inside the gym.  Please be courteous to other athletes and warm up on the barbell and rig during the heat prior to yours (don’t hang out in there forever).  We will have a general warm up area for other movements out in the childcare area in the lobby.  


Judges/Volunteers Briefing: 7:30-8:00 am

Doors Open for Athletes: 7:45 am

Check In: 7:45-8:30 am

Athlete Briefing: 8:30-8:45 am

Event 1 “Yeet is Lit” Begins: 9:00 am

Event 2 “Yeet or Be Yeeten” Begins: 10:27 am

Event 3 “S-Yeet 16” Begins: 11:34 am

Event 4 “Yeet the Axe” Axe Throwing Tournament 2:00 pm @ Last Frontier Axe Co 

(Yes, the axe throwing tournament counts in overall standings in the competition).

Awards and food from Wing Stop and Knik Pizza Co. to follow Event 4 @ Last Frontier Axe Co.  Projected finish time for the whole day is 4-4:15 pm.  

*****All athletes will need to have transportation arranged to arrive at Last Frontier Axe Co by 2:00 pm (Address: 2060 E Foundry Way, Unit 102, Wasilla AK). Wayfinder Fitness & Nutrition will not be responsible for the transportation of any athletes from our gym.  

Athletes MUST have an ADULT parent or guardian present for check in at Wayfinder Fitness & Nutrition for signing waivers for Last Frontier Axe Co as well as Haven Chiropractic & Sports Medicine if they desire to receive any treatment (sports tape and other body work).  Any athlete without an Adult present for waivers, will not be able to participate in the final event.  


This year will remain consistent with our event from the last two years.  An RX score on an event will beat a scaled score.  An athlete may RX or Scale any workout.  For instance: an athlete may scale event one because they don’t have toes to bar, RX event two because they have double under, RX event three (part A), and scale event three (part B) because they don’t have handstand walking.   

We recognize that this isn’t ideal for an athlete who typically scaled WODs, but we hope to grow the event to allow for Scaled and RX divisions at some point in the future.  

A couple reminders: We’d rather see athletes work within their capacity and have fun, not struggle and ruin their own fun for the day.  We love seeing kids learn things they’re not great at one year and come back the next year and crush those weaknesses.  Don’t stress… remember, this isn’t the CrossFit Games.  If you win or lose, have fun and enjoy our chosen sport.  Don’t fixate so much on winning that you spoil your own fun or the fun of someone else around you.  If this is your first CrossFit competition, awesome! Don’t plan to win.  Do your best and don’t compare yourself to anyone else.  

Safety: Shoes will be worn and securely tied/strapped during all events

Barbells: Male athletes will use standard 45# barbells and female athletes will use standard 35# barbells.