Event #1: Partner Diane
Sponsored by Alaska Selling Solutions & Color Glo Alaska
Event Standards Video: https://youtu.be/HYwPS-fqEQg
For time, with an 8 minute time cap, teams will complete 21 Tandem Deadlifts, 21 Handstand Push Ups, 15 Tandem Deadlifts, 15 Handstand Push Ups, 9 Tandem Deadlifts, and 9 Handstand Push Ups. Any repetition not completed within the 8 minute time cap will add one second to the team’s finish time.
All divisions will use a standard women’s 35# barbell. In all divisions, both partners will be required to participate in the tandem deadlift.
Division Standards:
Tandem Deadlift Weight is 335# and will be loaded using standard bumper plates consisting of two pairs of 45# plates, a pair of 35# plates, and a pair of 25# plates.
Start every rep with the barbell on the ground.
Hands must be outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed.
Arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing..
The rep is credited when the hips and knees reach full extension and the head and shoulders are behind the bar.
RX teams will complete Handstand Push Ups, one partner working at a time unit the prescribed set is complete. Two boxes measuring 36 inches wide and 24 inches deep will be marked on a red yoga mat on the floor for each team in front of the wall where handstand push-ups will be performed. Every repetition of the handstand push-up begins and ends at the top of a handstand with the arms fully locked out, only the heels in contact with the wall, the hips open and the body in line with the arms. The feet must remain inside the width of the hands throughout the entire repetition. Athletes may remain in a handstand fully locked out while their partner is working and alternate rep for rep, or may choose to rest off the wall. Both athletes are NOT required to complete HSPU (one partner may complete all the HSPU). Athlete’s hands (including fingers) must remain inside the innermost portion of their yoga mat and taped line.
Tandem Deadlift Weight is 275# and will be loaded using standard bumper plates consisting of a pair of 45# plates, a pair of 35# plates, a pair of 25# plates, and a pair of 15# plates.
Start every rep with the barbell on the ground.
Hands must be outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed.
Arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing.
The rep is credited when the hips and knees reach full extension and the head and shoulders are behind the bar.
Intermediate teams will complete Handstand Push Ups using two (2) AB Mats underneath their head for assistance, one partner working at a time until the prescribed set is completed. Only one set of two Ab Mats will be provided for each team. Both partners are NOT required to complete Handstand Push Ups (one partner may complete all the HSPU).
Two boxes measuring 36 inches wide and 24 inches deep will be marked on a red yoga mat the floor for each team in front of the wall where handstand push-ups will be performed. Every repetition of the handstand push-up begins and ends at the top of a handstand with the arms fully locked out, only the heels in contact with the wall, the hips open, and the body in line with the arms. The feet must remain inside the width of the hands throughout the entire repetition. Athlete’s hands (including fingers) must remain inside the innermost portion of the yoga mat and taped line.
Tandem Deadlift Weight is 225# and will be loaded using standard bumper plates consisting of a pair of 45# plates, a pair of 35# plates, and a pair of 15# plates.
Start every rep with the barbell on the ground.
Hands must be outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed.
Arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing.
The rep is credited when the hips and knees reach full extension and the head and shoulders are behind the bar.
Scaled teams will complete Dumbbell Push Press using one pair of 25# dumbbells, one partner working at a time until the prescribed set is complete. Both partners are required to complete some DB Push Press, but the reps do not need to be split evenly. Teams will share one set of DB’s. The DB Push Press will begin when the athlete has both DB’s in the front back position with one head of each DB touching the shoulder on their respective sides. The rep will be counted as complete when the athlete has both DB’s locked out and in control over the midpoint of their body when viewed from the side. A Push Jerk or re-dip as the weight travels up will be a no rep.
Deadlift No Reps:
Bending arms. (If you’re a tall person and have a short partner, we will deal with this on a case by case basis).
Partners crossing hands on bar.
Bouncing the barbell.
Dropping the barbell (think safety and low backs, if one partner doesn’t let go in time).
Failure to lock out with knees and hips extended as well as head and shoulders behind the bar.