AK Barbelles 2022 Event 3

Sponsored By: TCM Restoration

Sponsored By: TCM Restoration

Sponsored By: TCM Restoration –


“Chipper Skipper”
For Time with a 15min Time Cap

40 Synchro KBS 53#
40 Box Jump Overs 24”
40 Toes to Bar + HS hold
40 Synchro Wall Balls 14#
10 Burpee Bar Muscle Up
80’ Handstand Walk

40 Synchro KBS 35#
40 Box Jump Overs 20”
20 Toes to Bar + HS hold
40 Synchro Wall Balls 14#
10 Burpee Chest to Bar
80’ Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge 20#s

40 Synchro KBS 26#
40 Box Step Overs 20”
40 Hanging Knee Raise + Plank
40 Synchro Wall Balls 10#
20 Single Arm Alternating Devils Press 20#
80’ Walking Lunge

Teams will start behind the starting line and work station by station down their lane to complete the workout.

Movements that are not “Synchro” may be broken up however the team chooses.

Both athletes are not required to complete all movements.

Once the final movement is complete, teams will sprint down the field across the finish line.

Both athletes must be across the line for their workout to be complete.



Movement Standards:

Synchro KBS (RX, INT, SCA): Both athletes will start with their kettlebell (KB) on the floor and must deadlift the KB up to the hips, locking out the knees and hips before descending to the starting position for the swing, similar to the standard for a barbell movement taken from the hang position.  The athletes must be synchronized at the bottom and at the top of the KB swing for the repetition to count.  If one athlete reaches either the top or Botton of a rep before the other, they must wait there until their partner catches up. This is a full American Kettle Bell Swing where the rep is complete when the KB is fully overhead and elbow, hips and knees are at full extension with the arms locked out over the top of the shoulders. After the lockout of the final KB swing, the athletes do not need to bring the KB down in unison.  There will be no dropping of KBs for safety reasons.  A dropped KB will result in a NO REP.

Box Jump Overs (RX, INT): This is a 2 footed jump up on to box with either a step down or jump down on the other side. Full extension of hips and knees is not required while on top of the box. The rep is credited when the athlete is on the floor on the other side of the box. Teams can break up the reps however they choose.

Box Step Overs (SCA): Athlete will step up onto the top of the box, both feet must come in contact with the top of the box before the athlete can step down on the opposite side. Full extension of hips and knees is not required while on top of the box. The rep is credited when the athlete is on the floor on the other side of the box. Teams can break up the reps however they choose.

Toes to Bar + HS Hold (RX, INT): One athlete must hold a handstand hold against the wall while the other athlete is completing Toes to Bar. The handstand will be considered good when the athlete is touching the wall with only their heels, (EX: no butt resting on wall).  Toes to bar starts with athlete in a hanging position with arms locked out at the elbows, feet off the floor, and the feet behind the plane of the bar they are hanging from. Both feet must come in contact with the bar at the same time between the athlete’s hand and return to the bottom with both heels clearly behind the plane of the bar they are hanging from. If the HS athlete falls off the wall at any point, any T2B reps that are done will be considered a no rep. Teams may break up the work however the desire.

Hanging Knee Raise + Plank (SCA): One athlete will hold a plank on hands, with hands under their shoulders, and elbows extended, knees off the floor, with hips in line with or above knees and shoulders.  The other athlete will complete hanging knee raises.  Hanging knee raises start with the athlete in a hanging position with arm locked out at the elbows, feet off the floor, and feet behind the plane of the bar they are hanging from.  Both knees must clearly rise above their hips at the top of the movement, and their feet must clearly break the plane of the bar at the bottom of the rep.  If the planking athlete breaks the plank at any point, any hanging knee raises that are done will be considered a no rep. Teams may break up the work however they desire.

Synchro Wall Balls (RX, INT, SCA): The medicine ball must be in the front support position in front of the body at the start of each rep.  Squat until the hip crease is below the knee. Squat cleaning is allowed as long as the ball starts on the ground. The rep is credited when the center of the ball hits the target at or above the 9’ mark.  If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, the ball must settle on the ground before the next rep; it cannot be caught off the bounce. To keep movement synchronized both athletes must reach a full squat at the same time and the ball must strike the target at the same time. If one athlete fails any part of the required standards the rep will be a no rep for both athletes and the movement must be re-done.   

Burpee BMU (RX): (Burpee) Athletes may jump or step back in their burpee, chest must come in contact with the floor, and they may jump or step up from their burpee. Then proceed to the Bar Muscle Up. (BMU) The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with the arms fully extended and the feet off the ground.  Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull- overs, rolls to support and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the height of the bar during the kip.  The rep is credited when the arms are fully locked out while the athlete is in the support position above the bar with the shoulders over or in front of the bar.  Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip-to-lockout over the bar.  Only the hands and no other part of the arm may touch the pull-up bar to assist the athlete in completing the rep.  Once on top, the hands must stay in contact with the bar, and athletes must maintain support with their arms.

Burpee C2B (INT): (Burpee) Athletes may jump or step back in their burpee, chest must come in contact with the floor, and they may jump or step up from their burpee. Then proceed to the chest to bar. (C2B) The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with the arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met.  The rep is credited when the chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone.

SA Alternating Devils Press (SCA): Rep starts with DB on the floor. Athlete will complete the bottom portion of a burpee by either jumping or stepping back in their burpee, chest must come in contact with the floor, and they may jump or step up. Then the athlete will get the DB in a fully locked out overhead position in one fluid motion. The rep is credited with the knees, hips, and arm is fully locked out overhead and the athlete shows control of the DB. Once rep is completed athlete must transition to the other arm and complete the next rep.

Handstand Walk (RX): The handstand walk area will be marked in 5-ft segments.  Kick up with both hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) BEHIND the mark of the segment being attempted. Stepping over the line or landing with the hands on or over the line is a “no rep.”  Athletes must walk forward. Coming down from the handstand early requires a restart from behind the last line successfully crossed. A rep is credited when both hands, including palms and fingers, cross the line before the feet touch the ground.  Each 5-foot section will count as 1 rep. Athlete must handstand walk across the line, jumping both hands over the line to finish a section is not allowed.

Double DB OH Walking Lunge (INT): The lunge area will be marked in 5’ increments. Athlete must start with both feet behind the line and end with stepping the full foot past the distance marker and standing to full extension. Each lunge step begins with the dumbbells in the overhead position, the feet together, and the hips and legs extended. The trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each lunge before returning to full hip and leg extension. Teams may break up reps however they choose. Each 5’ increment counts as one rep.

For the overhead position:
– A full grip around the handle of the dumbbell must be maintained for the duration of the lunge.
– Resting the head of the dumbbell in the hand is NOT allowed.
– The dumbbells and/or hands cannot be held or pressed together.
– The athlete must reach the finish position of a repetition before lowering the dumbbells from overhead.

Walking Lunge (SCA): The lunge area will be marked in 5’ increments. Athlete must start with both feet behind the line and end with stepping the full foot past the distance marker and standing to full extension. Each lunge step start with the feet together, and the hips and legs extended. The trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each lunge before returning to full hip and leg extension. Teams may break up reps however they choose. Each 5’ increment counts as one rep.

Have fun practicing! See you ladies soon. -Emily & David

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